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400k settlement for assault victim with life-changing brain injury

Colin Cook, Partner at Hatch Brenner Solicitors on Theatre Street in Norwich, has recently helped an East Anglian man in his forties recover a £400k settlement from a life-changing brain injury sustained following an assault outside a popular fast food chain.

The Claimant, a self-employed worker, sustained extra dural haematoma with life-long lasting effects requiring a period of hospitalisation in the neuro-rehabilitation ward at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge.

This case was particularly challenging as the claimant had no recollection of the circumstances surrounding the assault. The Defendant’s employees were both the perpetrators of the assault and the only witnesses. They alleged that the Claimant was inebriated and initiated the assault. With our assistance, he resisted pressure from the local police to accept a caution for a public order offence which would have devastated the prospects of bringing a successful case. Tenacity paid off and CCTV footage was finally secured which exonerated the claimant’s conduct and led to a sizeable six-figure settlement to compensate for the injury, lost earnings and ongoing care and rehabilitation needs.

Colin Cook commented: “The Hatch Brenner Dispute Resolution team is delighted to have reached this settlement for our client. Following his injury, he required a rehabilitation package funded via a collaborative approach between the lawyers for both sides. The risks involved agreeing to act on a case in circumstances which were unknown with the odds mounting against the client. From the outset, something didn’t feel quite right about the way in which pressure was being placed upon the client to accept responsibility without any direct knowledge of what occurred. Faith in our client and the determination to uncover any independent evidence was the key to success.”

If you want to discuss your circumstances surrounding a brain injury, you can contact Colin Cook, an experienced brain injury solicitor, at [email protected] or by calling 01603 214 220. View other recent case studies in our dedicated brain injury case studies section.

Colin Cook, Partner, Personal & Brain Injury Solicitor at Hatch Brenner

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